Monday, February 15, 2010


Okay, Confession:
I always go on and on about College Football being my favorite sport and the only sport I watch. Well, that's not entirely true.


There's just something about watching thousands of athletes from all over the globe coming together in one place to compete against each other in the name of their country. It's inspiring.

It's hard to say what my favorite thing about the Olympics are - I mean, how could I name just one thing?
The Opening Ceremonies
The National Anthem
The Olympic torch relay
"Do you believe in Miracles?"
The Olympic Village
Medal Ceremonies
Watching the athletes warm up for competition
Speed Skating
Track and Field relays
Beach Volleyball
Figure Skating
"You can do it, Kerri!"
the athletes families

I could go on and on.......
Turn on the TV, watch some Olympics and quietly chant, "USA...USA....USA" You know you want to!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I love it too!! But it's taking up too much time! Not good for a girl who just started grad school :) Love you Nat!