Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where am I?

So, it turns out I'm not as good at blogging as I thought I'd be. Yes, it has been 3 full months since my last post which means I made no smarty-pants comments throughout all of the conference championship games (Tebow crying...), the Heisman trophy ceremony (How adorrrrable is Mark Ingram?), or the BSC championship games. What kind of college football fan am I?!?

A busy one. The Martin Agency just won Advertising Agency of the Year, apparently my career took over my life!!

In the excitement of the Super Bowl today I realized how much I missed good ole Heisman girl so I'm going to keep you all entertained for the next 7 months until the kick off of the REAL football season.

In true Heisman girl fashion, I'm focusing my attention on tonight's Super Bowl on the battle of the E! Reality stars. Reggie Bush's girlfriend, Kim Kardashian vs. Hank what's-his-last-name's wife, Kendra. (Well that, AND the commercials. Come on, I work in Advertising!)

......Let's go Saints!

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