Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Read it & Weep

Yep, you heard it.  For the first time in my LIFE I have entered into the basketball bracket at work.  It's SUPER high tech.  All I remember about brackets is my dad driving around with all of his hard copy print outs of his 10 different brackets with marks in red where he messed up and teams circled that he picked right.

MY bracket is electronic and all I had to do was click on the name of the team I wanted to win (that's right, the team I want to win.  Surely you don't think I pick this based on who will probably win, do you?) and it automatically populates.  So cute.  And fun!

So here's my bracket - read it and weep.

Potential Awkward moments to come:
Sweet 16 - Ohio State vs. UNC - You know I'm a closet Carolina fan and I happen to live with an open Carolina fan.  Sorry Court, I'm buying Gracie an Ohio State bandanna!

Semi-finals - Although I picked Kansas to beat Florida, I might secretly be hoping Florida wins.  I would love nothing more than Ohio State to beat the pants off of them in the National Championship.

National Championship Game - It might become awkward the number of times I refer to this game as "the dance."  See, I've always called the football national championship "the dance" - which it isn't.  Now that I'll actually be watching, I'll be throwing this lingo around like it's going out of style.

Dare I say it?  I'm excited!!!

1 comment:

courtlew said...

Although I'm sorry for your loss, I'm glad we're able to avoid an awkward game today. Plus, Carolina blue is a nice color on you. I think you were meant to be a Carolina fan :)