Thursday, August 5, 2010

Juvenile Delinquents

Alright.  First order of the day each day is to check my gmail.  Second order of the day is to check  This is a daily occurrence for me from August - December.

Today - August 5, 2008.
  1. Checked my gmail
  2. Checked
The top headlines for college football are:
Is it just me, or are 70% of the college football headlines about players, coaches or teams that are in trouble for something?
Come on, people.  Maurice Clarett had to go to Jail.  Michael Vick had to go to Jail.  Reggie Bush has to give back his Heisman Trophy.  Nothing good comes from being a delinquent!

Well, top 25 comes out at least I have THAT to look forward to!

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