Thursday, May 27, 2010

Richy Rich, Hail to the Victor

I tried everything in my power to not comment on the news of Michigan's self-imposed probation, but honestly...what kind of college football blogger would I be?

For those of you living under a rock, the University of Michigan has put themselves on 2 years probation for among all things: Having too many coaches involved in off-season conditioning and holding too long of off-season practices.  No need to worry though, most importantly the violations don't involve cash payments to players (suuuuuuuure), academic fraud (yeah RIGHT) or improper recruiting (doubtful).
Sorry, did my personal feelings just get in the way?  I'm interested to see how the NCAA responds.

Ohhhh Rich Rodriguez, I can't help but wonder what my mortal enemies (all Michigan fans) feel about you and what you've done to the program.  In 128 years Michigan has stayed clear of a lot of the controversery that is often associated with other schools (uhhh...Virginia Tech....Ohio State....) and after 2 seasons you've blown your chances beating Ohio State, haven't had a winning record and had more meetings with possible NCAA infractions than I can remember. 

Something tells me that annoying girl I saw last year holding up a poster that said, "In ROD we trust" should get her priorities straight.....

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