Thursday, May 27, 2010

Richy Rich, Hail to the Victor

I tried everything in my power to not comment on the news of Michigan's self-imposed probation, but honestly...what kind of college football blogger would I be?

For those of you living under a rock, the University of Michigan has put themselves on 2 years probation for among all things: Having too many coaches involved in off-season conditioning and holding too long of off-season practices.  No need to worry though, most importantly the violations don't involve cash payments to players (suuuuuuuure), academic fraud (yeah RIGHT) or improper recruiting (doubtful).
Sorry, did my personal feelings just get in the way?  I'm interested to see how the NCAA responds.

Ohhhh Rich Rodriguez, I can't help but wonder what my mortal enemies (all Michigan fans) feel about you and what you've done to the program.  In 128 years Michigan has stayed clear of a lot of the controversery that is often associated with other schools (uhhh...Virginia Tech....Ohio State....) and after 2 seasons you've blown your chances beating Ohio State, haven't had a winning record and had more meetings with possible NCAA infractions than I can remember. 

Something tells me that annoying girl I saw last year holding up a poster that said, "In ROD we trust" should get her priorities straight.....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Calendar Girl

It's a pretty long and detailed process for me to figure out which games I'm going to see live every year.

It starts around April with me putting the Virginia Tech games into my planner in an Orange pen and the Ohio State games into my planner in Red pen.  Color coordinated obviously.

I then block out "Columbus day Weekend" in my work out of office calendar because every year my dad and I go to Columbus for the long weekend to see our "family" in Ohio, and celebrate me turning one year closer to being an old maid.  We've seen Ohio State play Wisconsin twice, Bowling Green (well, sort of), Kent State and Michigan.  This year we'll be there to see them take on the Indiana Hoosiers so all of our Columbus family who is reading this, be ready!

Next I figure out which Virginia Tech games I can get to.  I like to go to as many as possible but the most important deciding factor is whether or not Sable can go.  It's just not the same going back to Blacksburg for college weekend unless the girls that lived college with me can be there.  I'm not going to say it's easy to get 5 girls spread out over Virginia and New York back for the same weekend but we try and when we do, it's like we haven't missed a beat!

At this point, I try to start adding "addendum" games. 
Like, maybe I could get tickets to the VT opener against Boise State in Northern Virginia?
Or, Ohio State plays Miami (FL) at home that weekend too and that will be the biggest re-match of my life, so maybe I could get up to Columbus twice this year.
Can I make it back to Tech for Homecoming weekend?
Are there any close "away" games I can go to?
Which weekends have important enough games that I should stay home so I can watch multiple games?

One thing is for sure: If you could get frequent flyer miles for driving, I'd spend August to November banking miles. I think I'll start saving them up for a Road trip to Tempe....