Thursday, May 14, 2009

"It's Gameday..."

Every year around this time, I get that old familiar feeling of excitement. It's true, I'm really excited about vacation at the beach (2 weeks from today I'll be sipping my morning mimosa) but that's not exactly what I mean.

I'm talking about the feeling of college football season starting right around the corner. There is nothing else like college football season. You can feel it coming. The summer winds down and leaves start to color and fall. Tailgates, Face Tattoos, silly chants in the stands, Script-Ohio in your living room...there's something for everyone!

I hope you'll join me this fall as I take you through the 2009 College Football season. Each week I'll offer you game predictions, Thursday and Saturday game recaps, Games of the week, Players of the week, my take on that weeks' rankings, the Heisman trophy outlook, how to throw the perfect tailgate...and everything else I love about the season.

For now, I'll leave you with my* list of the top 10 College football games of all time. Tell me yours!

10. Appalachia State vs. Michigan (2007) You can't have a list of greatest college football games without "one of the biggest upsets in the history of American Sports." Michigan started the 2007 season with a plan on taking the Big Ten, a possible Heisman Trophy and a straight shot to the National Championship. 4 quarters later, they found themselves upset, in The Big House, by App. State. Ouch!

9. Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech (1985) Many of you may be looking at this asking yourself, "wait, WHAT game was this?" I have 3 words for you: Rudy. Rudy. Rudy. No one remembers a single thing about this game except what they've seen in the best college football movie of all time, "Rudy." The greatest underdog, worked his way to the top of his game and with the final seconds ticking down on the clock, the entire Notre Dame stadium starts chanting "Rudy...Rudy...Rudy....Rudy" to get him on the field as an "official" player for the Fighting Irish. Go ahead, grab a tissue. THIS is a great moment in college football history.

8. Georgia vs. Florida (1980) Yes, I could pretty much put any match-up of "The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" on this list. But a consistent favorite is the 1980 game also known as "Run, Lindsay, Run!" Georgia kept their hope for the National Championship alive with a win against their hated rivals, Florida - and you all KNOW how I feel about Florida...Then again you could also put the 2007 game in the #8 spot, where the Georgia coach ordered his team to draw an excessive celebration penalty after their first touchdown or they would be subject to extra conditioning drills. You can't make this stuff up, people!

7. Virginia Tech vs. Virginia (2004) After losing to UVA in 2003 after dominating the Commonwealth Cup for 4-straight years, the Cavaliers came to Blacksburg on a wintery November day for my last game in Lane Stadium. The first time the teams would compete for the cup in the same conference, this game also would decide the fate of the ACC championship that year. UVA scored first, but the Hokies took charge and never looked back. (And I was somewhere crying in the stands refusing to believe my last season was coming to an end...)

6. Boston College vs. Miami (1984) The "Hail Flutie" game. I won't lie, I didn't know much about this game, but it consistently was showing up on lists of the greatest games. But give me a "Hail Mary" pass that wins the game and the Miami Hurricanes on the losing end of the score board, and I'm sold!

5. Auburn vs. Alabama (1972) Another one of the biggest rivalries, this game is a great one year after year. But with Auburn trailing 16-3 and returning 2 blocked punts for touchdowns to win 17-16....something tells me they were playing a little "Sittin' on the dock of the bay, watching the Tide Roll awayyyyyyyyyyy"

4. Stanford vs. Cal (1982) There's nothing more embarassing than an overconfident group of student fans chanting "ov-er-ra-ted" at the beginning of the third quarter to then go on and lose the game. Oh wait! Yes there is! Your entire marching band standing on the field ready to rush it in a Victory Celebration and the losing team throws a now-famous series of lateral passes that gets them into the endzone and 7 more points on the scoreboard for the win. Ooops! This one is a CLASSIC!

3. Texas vs. USC (2006 National Championship) The first time 2 Heisman trophy winners played in a National Championship, the hype for this game wouldn't quit!.Down to the last 30 seconds, Vince Young came out as the superstar that he is and Texas beats USC. I went to bed with 1 minute left in the game...Lesson learned. Hook 'em Horns!

2. Oklahoma vs. Boise State (2007) Although I have blocked the 2007 Bowl Championship Series completely from my brain, you can't argue against the Boise State broncos trick-playing the Sooners on 4th-and-18 with 7 seconds left in the game throwing it into OT. Boise State comes out on top, and let's be honest, we all wanted an invite to the wedding when Tailback Ian Johnson dropped to his knees at the end of the game and proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend.

1. Ohio State vs. Miami (2004 National Championship) Give me a break. OF COURSE this is number 1. Tripple overtime, potential paralysis of a player, the Buckeyes out on top. I'll never forget watching this game and the feeling of "winning" a National Championship. I could watch this game over and over again (and if YOU ever feel the need to re-watch, I happen to be related to someone who owns the DVD of the game)

*Legal Disclaimer: This list was compiled based on personal research, personal feelings and with the many consultants of this blog. I by no means imply that these are the ONLY games worth mentioning and want to hear from you as well.


Unknown said...

I think I have it but who knows? You are a chip off the ole block Peaches, nice job and GO BUCKEYES. Your number one fan spoke first

Unknown said...

If the Hokies are going to run with the big dogs they will have more than one solid running back Peaches, if then they are only pissing on the paper with the other puppies so to speak. Did your buckeyes give up last year when they lost Beanie? NOT. Neither will frank and your hokies however it was a clod, rainy and ugly day while I was in the burg today, sorry but still love ya

Unknown said...

Happy BD to Sharyn a day late, maybe you Hokies should be buckeyes and then you would REALLY know what disappointment is.