Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And the winner is? No one.

Here it is.  The posting all 5 readers of this blog have been waiting for.  After months of controversy in Columbus, Jim Tressel resigned as head coach as Ohio State.  REM said it best people, Everybody hurts.

Where to begin....

Hopefully by now everyone knows how I feel about students & coaches accepting special benefits and not being punished for them.  I feel the same way about it when its' my own team, so I admit, they (you know, "The Tainted Five") deserve their punishment and then some.

But Jim Tressel?!???  The Vest?  Jimmy?   It hurts.  I love that man and love everything he did for Ohio State.  And the thing is, HE loves Ohio State and I have no doubt, whatever it is that "he did" - he did it for the Buckeyes.  I bet you he could tell you right now how many days there are until the Michigan Game.  He is a buckeye and always will be.

That's all I'm going to say about this.  Thanks for a great ride, Tress!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

April Showers....

Contrary to popular belief, I didn't boycott my blog for the month of April simply to avoid the wrath of what is going on with the Ohio State football program.  But now that you bring it up, it would be nice if the old saying "April Showers bring May Flowers" would start to prove true.  

While at a wedding this past weekend, I was asked by a fellow avid college football (and Texas fan) what I thought of Jim Tressell.  My response was the same it has been and will continue to be until everyone (yes, EVERYONE, including those on the teams I follow) stop acting like total crooks and start taking things seriously.  College athletes are students that are getting a college education for playing sports.  It has been the same story since the beginning of time and for the love, can we just keep things innocent and right for their 3-4 years in college before they go pro?  I don't want to hear about, talk about it or think about it.

My only hope for right now is that come August everyone can begin to focus on the good things going on in this sport.  And if that means one of my teams needs to suffer with punishment, well, it is what it is.

At this point, I'd much rather continue to focus my attention on the new Duke & Dutchess of Cambridge.